Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wow! 20 Years

This was July 18,1992
We look so young in that picture. It is hard to believe that Philip and I are celebrating 20 years married today. Time flies when you are having fun. Believe me that is not to say that it has been all fun. It has been work but it has been so worth it. I have been thinking of all God's blessings over those years. We have been blessed with Rachel, good health, a roof over our heads, and food on our table. God has helped us through 7 moves,  relatives passing away, 1 surgery, the birth of Rachel, finding good bible churches each move, providing jobs for each of us and many other things that would take me pages to lists. God has blessed me so much with a God honoring man to share my life. What more could I ask for?

 This is us now
Thank you God for all your blessing and I am praying we will spend many, many more years together!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Alaska Part 2

This was in Juana Alaska. This cart went to the top of the mountain . It was really cool to see.

Philip had a good time panning for gold. He found a few flakes but he really worked hard at it.

Paul, Rachel and Dad really got into this panning for gold. The rest of us decided this was to much work and we would not make good  gold prospectors. We had fun taking pictures and watching. 

After working hard at finding gold we went to a salmon bake and Rachel had a chance to roast some marshmallows. 

More beautiful sights!

I AM BACK!!!!!

As many of you can see I am back to trying to blog more often and thanks to Lizzie (my sister-in -law) I have learned to add pictures to my blog. Hopefully I will be able to keep up better. We have been traveling a lot these past months so I will try to show you some highlights.

We took a family trip to Seattle on our way to our cruise to Alaska.  This is from the Pikes Market. I just loved looking at all the beautiful flowers. I wish I could have bought many of them just to enjoy but I knew I couldn't take any on the boat.

These were eggs that were for sale at the market. What amazed me was the big one is an ostrich egg , and the black ones were emu eggs. 

While we were in Seattle we went to the Seattle Aquirium,  this was a diver "petting" some type of an eel. 
We had fun seeing all the different fish and sea creatures. I said many times how do people think that everything happened by chance when you see how many variations of fish God created. I know we saw only a small sample of the many, many kinds of animals God made.
We had a great place to stay in Seattle and each night the staff had a snack time down in the lobby. Rachel is sitting here watching the staff pop  popcorn (in the big movie type popper) getting ready for the snack time.

This I am told is a must see. It is called the gum wall. This section of an ally is filled with ABC (already been chewed) gum. Some people have made designs with their gum and many have just stuck it to the wall. It was kind of cool but it was also kind of gross.