Sunday, August 8, 2010

Maryland Trip Week 3

Arlington Cemetery - It was amazing to think each white headstone was for a person who was important to our country.  We were told that in 50 years the whole 600 acers of the cementary would be full.

This is The Tomb of the Unknowns. Wow what a place to be and show respect for those who have scarificed for our freedom.

The changing of the guards. What a sight! WOW! What an honor to be chosen for that job.

HELP!!!!!  Rachel and I sat in this plane and she was pretending to fly. So I was acting scared! I told her I was going to stay on the ground if she was flying.

These next few pictures are from the new Air and Space Museum by  Dullas Airport called the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center. This is not the real space shuttle but was used to practice moving the real one back and forth from Texas. It was called the Enterprise.

This is a view of the Space Center. It is full of all kinds of aircraft from hot air balloons to space shuttles. It was really neat.

We went by the capital many times while driving around Washington. Did you know that no statue in Washington may be higher then 19 1/2 feet. That is how tall Lady Freedom is on the top of the capitol. It may be on a pedestal 100 feet tall but the statue can not be more then 19 1/2 feet.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Maryland Trip week 2

We went to The Wall. When we were far away Rachel said "it is so small." When we got up close and she started to see all the names she was amazed  that each one was a person who died for our country. Philip took this picture and loved Rachel's reflection in the wall.

This stood by the the wall and was getting cleaned and the surface redone. It was to honor the men who fought in The Vietnam War.

Rachel wanted to walk up to the top of the Lincoln Memorial so as we climbed. She counted 57 stairs. We also stopped and stood where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I have a Dream "speech. 

Philip thought this would be a great picture from the top of the Lincoln Memorial with the Washington Monument in the background. 

We saw the Washington Monument many, many times during the two days we were in Washington. We were told in order to get tickets to up into the top we needed to be there at 6:30 am . Then we would be  given a time to come back for our ride to the top. Also if the wind gets above 20 miles an hour the monument is shut down because it sways to much in the wind.
More pictures in a day or two.