We walked around city park and took some pictures too.
Rachel enjoyed getting to meet Benny for the first time. Benny is Uncle Big Tim and Aunt Tania's puppy. He was about six months old in these pictures. He is so sweet and loving. He will lick you to death.
Rachel always loves to play in the creek down on my great grandparents farm. She likes to try to catch crayfish, skippers or minnows. This time Benny played in there with her and both were muddy and wet by the end of the evening.
Chick-Fil-A had cow appreciation day and so Rachel dressed up as a cow so she could get a free lunch. She had a good time and enjoyed the free food.
The other day I was mowing the yard and all the sudden I saw two claws trying to pinch the mower tires. I had this little guy in our yard. I thought it was a scorpion but my neighbor told me it was a crayfish. I was also told that scorpions can grow to be this big.I didn't think it would live outside of the water but he can for awhile. Always something going on at our house.