Sunday, February 28, 2010

365 photos week #9

Sorry this is a little late. By the time we got these posted I was way to tired to write anything about them.
This week I started changing all my boards in my classroom. We will be talking about March and the weather. I out this up almost every year. This is the first I have put it on a door. Sorry it looks so dark.

This was such a beautiful picture I wish it would have turned out better. Philip and I were on our way to his company Oyster Roast and crossed a bridge and saw this beautiful scene. Thankful Philip stopped so I could take the picture.

This is at the oyster roast. I had never been to one and the smell was bad enough but I looked at this as a chance to learn something new. The oysters are steamed in the shell and then dumped onto the table.

Then the work begins, You have to find the little crack were the two shells meet and pop it open. This can be the hard part. Once it is open you see this thing that looks like a white piece of snot. (Sorry, no other way to say it) It looks so slimy and gross. Most everyone then dipped the oyster in a community dipping bowl of sauce and then ate the slimy thing.  Not many things gross me out but this did. Philip ate hot dogs and I had a nice hamburger.Oh well I can say I have been to an oyster roast now.
Rachel and I have been having Spring Fever so we started our garden last Saturday. We now have tomatoe sprouts. We also planted some pepper seeds but none have come up yet. I will keep you posted on how things go this summer. If all of the plants grow we will have way to many tomatoes. We will be sharing with our neighbors which Rachel is already excited to do.


  1. The oyster roast looks like a lot of fun! I'll have to go with Michael and Bambi the next time. One summer (back in the 70s), we had an oyster/clam roast in my grandparents back yard.

  2. Was that Michael and friend in the photo?
    Looks like you have to work for your food.
    Fun, fun!
    It's beginning to feel more spring-like here now.
