It all started back on August 16th with getting geared up for school. I had started getting my classroom ready all through the summer and then I was told we may not have enough students for two K-5 classes. All during the following week I prayed we would have enough students for two classes.
The next day Philip called from work at about 10:00 and asked me to pack him a suitcase that Mike (my brother in law) had passed away that morning. We spent the next few days traveling and being in Ga for the service.
Teacher work week started that Monday and school that Friday so any teachers know what that week is like. I still didn't know until the first day of school if I would have a class or not. As it worked out I am a teacher's aide for the K-5 class. I am looking at it as a learning year so that next year (when I have a class) I will be a great teacher. Rachel started third grade and has really had to work harder in this class then any grade in school before. It is a big adjustment for her and Mommy when it comes to homework. Keep us in your prayers.
The following weeks included Philip being in Atlanta for work training, a trip back to help Lizzie pack up the house, finishing paperwork and the many other things that need to be done here at our house. God has protected us with all the traveling and all the work that has been done over these weeks. Be looking for some pictures in the next few days.
Gpod to have you back. Thanks for the update.