This was July 18,1992
We look so young in that picture. It is hard to believe that Philip and I are celebrating 20 years married today. Time flies when you are having fun. Believe me that is not to say that it has been all fun. It has been work but it has been so worth it. I have been thinking of all God's blessings over those years. We have been blessed with Rachel, good health, a roof over our heads, and food on our table. God has helped us through 7 moves, relatives passing away, 1 surgery, the birth of Rachel, finding good bible churches each move, providing jobs for each of us and many other things that would take me pages to lists. God has blessed me so much with a God honoring man to share my life. What more could I ask for?
This is us now
Thank you God for all your blessing and I am praying we will spend many, many more years together!
Happy Anniversary!