Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Vacation to Maryland Part 1

The day before we left to drive to Maryland, Rachel and I went to the public library to a class on making cornhusk dolls. Rachel loved it and has already taught my niece how to make one. She has really enjoyed the activities from the library this summer.

Here we are at my brothers in Maryland the first night we got there Tim had us in for dinner. These are Timothy and Taylor Rachel's cousins and a friend of theirs named Joey. That are waiting for dinner to be ready and teasing and playing with Rachel.

We  went to the carnival in my hometown over the fourth and watched the fireworks. I have a setting on my camera for fireworks so I wanted to try it out. I think it turned out pretty neat.

I was doing some trimming bushes around Mom's house and came across this robin nest. I did not hear anything from the babies or the mother. I almost cut the nest out of the tree without knowing it. At another place a mother dove swooped down at my head when I almost cut her nest out of the tree.

Here is the Leather, Hoyt, Happel, Gingrich side of our family at a picnic on my great grandparents farm which the family still owns. My grandmother in the middle will be 93 in September and still loves coming to her home place.

Rachel and her cousin Ashlyn playing dress up. They always have a fun time playing together. I wish we lived closer so they could play together more often.

Rachel with her great grandparents on Philip's side. Grandma and Grandpa Knepper always have a wonderful time with Rachel .