Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More Update Pictures

Rachel and her favorite Uncle Paul(She also has a favorite Uncle Michael and Uncle Mike and Uncle Big Tim and Uncle DD). Do you get the idea she has lots of favorite Uncles? This was at Lizzie's on Saturday when things started to quiet down a little.

Open House the night before school started. This is Rachel at her desk getting excited for school to start.

Rachel and Mrs. Benedict at Open House at school.

The first day of third grade. Doesn't she look so tall in this picture.  The lunch box she is holding is an early birthday present from our neighbors and their four dogs.

Rachel with her great Aunt Judy and Aunt Lizzie out for breakfast for the beginning of school. We try to go out the day before school starts but since school started on Friday we went the day after school started.

Rachel and Aunt Lizzie

We had some of Rachel's birthday early( August 30th) since Grandma and Aunt Lizzie were not going to be here for her real birthday. Rachel wanted a giant chocolate chip cookie  for her cake.

Rachel got American Girl books from Aunt Lizzie and Uncle Mike and the red box is full of card making supplies from Grandma, Grandpa and Uncle Michael. She wants to make cards like Aunt Lizzie does.

Aunt Lizzie and Rachel making Grandparents Day cards.  Lizzie is helping Rachel know that less is more.  They both had fun. 

Rachel and I went to Chick-Fil- A the other day and she loves the cow now, she use to be afraid of even getting close to it.

Upper Picture:   Michael cooking us hamburgers and hot dogs over Labor Day. 
Lower Picture: Rachel at a place she likes to eat called Gilligan's Dockside, people can pull up in their boats, tie it up and eat.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Update Through Pictures

This year I did my first canning on my own. I had helped Mom many times when I was a child but this time I did it all by myself. (Well I did call Mom once or twice). I made 7 pints of Zucchini relish. We will see how that turns out. I also tried Pear butter but it is way to runny so I did something wrong there. Oh well there is always next year.

Rachel had a chance to go to a craft class about two weeks before school started and had a blast. It was an hour and a half long and she made four different items. She gave them away to her teacher before I got a picture. Sorry:(

This was taken at Lizzie and Mike's home. This is the family taking care of the chickens. This is what Mike called Fort Cluck. Rachel and the other niece and nephew always loved taking care of the chickens. The chickens have since been given to a family that Lizzie knew.

I like this picture from Mike's service. The service was so like Mike. The gospel was presented for all to understand. It was very dignified and rather joyful. We know Mike is with the Lord which makes it a bitter sweet sorrow. It really hit me then that he was gone and has really made me think about my daily activities and am I pleasing the Lord in ALL I do.  I guess it hit me hardest that Mike was only five months older then I am. That could have been me and what memories would  my family and friends have of me? Would they be Christ honoring?  

This was during the service and because Mike was a marine years ago he was given military honors and  a bugler was there to play Taps.  I am told this is unusual because most services use a CD now and not a person playing.

This gentleman was representing the Marines. I found out later that he is in his eighties and is a World War II vet, he is a believer and goes to the airport two or three times a week to greet soldiers coming home from service and gives them each a tract.

This is flag being given to Lizzie in honor of Mike. I love this picture even more since I know the story behind this gentleman.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Time to Update

     I know I have been gone for a month now but what a month it has been. We have been  on the go so much I have not gotten pictures loaded or even really had time to post. For those who don't know all that has been happening I will clue you in for those who do sorry for the repeat. 
     It all started back on August 16th with getting geared up for school. I had started getting my classroom ready all through the summer and then I was told  we may not have enough students for two K-5 classes. All during the following week I prayed we would have enough students for two classes. 
     The next day Philip called from work at about 10:00  and asked me to pack him a suitcase that Mike (my brother in law) had passed away that morning. We spent the next few days traveling and being in Ga for the service. 
     Teacher work week started that Monday and school that Friday so any teachers know what that week is like. I still didn't know until the first day of school if I would have a class or not. As it worked out I am a teacher's aide for the K-5 class. I am looking at it as a learning year so that next year (when I have a class) I will be a great teacher. Rachel started third grade and has really had to work harder in this class then any grade in school before. It is a big adjustment for her and Mommy when it comes to homework. Keep us in your prayers.
     The following weeks included Philip being in Atlanta for work training, a trip back to help Lizzie pack up the house, finishing paperwork  and the many other things that need to be done here at our house. God has protected us with all the traveling and all the work that has been done over these weeks. Be looking for some pictures in the next few days.